Events This Winter Season
At Brown Street Baptist Church, there's something for everyone! Check out our upcoming events and activities to see how you can get involved. With programs and gatherings for all ages, we'd love to help you find the perfect fit. Let's get started!

Weekly, from 10:30 am-12:00 pm.
Our primary gathering of the week features congregational singing, prayer, prepared music, and preaching of the Scriptures. Our friendly congregation is made up of a variety of people from different ages, stages, and walks of life. Clothing styles are as varied as the people, and you will see casual clothing as well as people in dresses and suits.

Kids Love Awana! It’s an exciting atmosphere—they will reach goals, win prizes, and build confidence as they learn ways to memorize, create team work, and have fun. Bible lessons and verse time is engaging and geared for each age group.
Brown Street Kids: Awana meets on Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm, from September 11, 2024 through April 30, 2025, and is for children 3 years through 6th grade. Click to discover more or to register.

Sunday, January 26, 5:30 PM
An annual event, the Chili Cook-off is a time of warm fellowship during these chilly, winter days! Crockpots are brought to the kitchen by 5:15 to receive a number and be entered in this friendly competition.​​

As teenagers, we know you face a lot of change. These years between childhood and adulthood are full of fun and excitement, but they can also be confusing and overwhelming. Here’s something that never changes—God and His Word. Together we’ll study what God says and learn how these ageless promises apply to the modern issues and decisions you face today. We’d love for you to join us at youth group and the fun activities and service projects we host throughout the year.
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm.

Tuesday Ladies Bible Study, 9:30 am - After an August break, this group will resume in September and pick a new Bible study. It's the perfect time to join!
Wednesday Evenings, 7:00 pm - Led by Pastor Daniel, this is an interactive time to explore a passage of Scripture in more detail, understanding better how we can follow the path God has laid out for us in His Word.
Thursday Men's Bible Study, 6:30 pm - Satisfying a thirst for God as well as your sweet tooth, this group is working it's way through a study of the last five books of the Bible.

Friday, February 28, Time TBD
Join us here at BSBC for a fun night playing your favorite games alongside a pizza dinner. More details to come.

Saturday, February 22, 9:00 AM
The goal of BSBC and it's children's Awana Club is to help children and youth love, know, and serve Jesus Christ. Awana Bible Quizzing is a yearly competition that promotes fellowship between other churches and Awana Clubs and encourages children to better know and understand the Scripture truths they are learning.

Sundays, 9:30-10:20 am.
Classes for children and teens are divided by age groups to maximize teaching that will help the truths of the Bible be readily grasped and come alive with hands-on learning. Adult classes provide opportunities for continued spiritual development through Bible instruction and discussion, and offer Christian fellowship organized into categories of age or topics of special interest.

Various, random activities take place throughout the year that provide more opportunities for niche interests. Such as: an autumn bonfire, men's day at Beaver Dam or a Grizzlies game, wreath-making, kitchen skills, trivia nights, Bob Ross paint parties, children's STEM day, a chili or dessert cook-off, and more.